Wednesday, April 30

NIGHT 2: Down the Hole

Jana is usually the first person to the work site in the morning. She likes to get started on her jobs right away so she can be finished more quickly and get home to her darling little girl. This morning was no different. When Jana arrived to the site all was still and calm. The sun was just beginning to break over the tops of the trees to the east. It was a little chilly, but it was a beautiful spring morning. As she approached her work area she noticed it wasn't quite right. Before she could put her finger on what was wrong, she .....

The rest of the crew arrived about 20 minutes later. They began to go to their different jobs and start the day's work. They were a little upset with themselves about firing Jason. He was such a hard worker and they knew they would miss his contributions terribly. Angela would finally get to operate the crane today, but she wasn't really happy about it; not like she thought she would be. No one thought that the saboteurs would strike again so soon, until Gemarie screamed.

Everyone looked to see what was wrong. Gemarie was looking down into a large hole in the ground. As they all approached, they could see Jana lying at the bottom of the hole in a heap of boards. It was a boobie-trap and Jana was the boobie and the next saboteur victim. She wasn't moving and everyone was scared for the worst. This time Heather called 911 and the ambulance came immediately.

The EMT's worked very carefully to pull Jana out of the hole. They found a pulse on her wrist but said it was very faint. They rushed her into the ambulance and took her away. The crew just stood around and looked at each other. How could this have happened again? Josh suggested they spread out and search for more traps. He reminded them that two people should've been hurt the last time, so maybe the saboteurs had set up more traps lastnight. They searched the whole site and found no more traps. They were slightly relieved, but also realized that the saboteurs had purposely placed their trap where Jana would be. Why would they target her? She was only a good mom and a hard worker.

Foreman Hicks called another meeting. She explained that they should think very hard about who might want to get Jana and then fire them quickly. Hillary was very upset that her dear sister would be a target!

Later on that day, the hospital called Hillary and told her that Jana had pulled through but that she had some pretty serious internal injuries and would need to stay in the hospital for quite a while. Hillary told the rest of the crew. They were very happy that Jana had made it, but were very upset that there were malicious people in their crew and they were determined to find them!

Jana is a construction worker. As she was the only victim lastnight, she will be out for 5 days. Her return day will be May 15th. Because she is injured she can't comment until she returns. This "day" period will go from now until midnight tomorrow, May 1st, at midnight. If you know someone who hasn't commented yet, please give them a call and see if they still want to play. Thanks.


  1. Jana said...


  2. Anonymous said...

    Good morning, all you construction workers! We'll miss Jana terribly!! She was one of the most productive workers we had. Let's trudge forward, the best we can, inspite of our grief.

  3. Anonymous said...

    Hello people of I don't care. Did you like my Mom's comment? I hated it! It was so, like, nice and everything. She said we would vote later, but I don't believe her; so I'm going to vote now. I'm going to say Matthew. He almost ran me over -- for reals! Let's get him out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    VOTE: Matthew

  4. Jacob said...

    Hey all. sorry I haven't been posting. I completely forgot about this. Anywho just wanted to post. I will go read everyone's comments and get all caught up now.

  5. Will said...

    Good Morrow everyone. So Matthew eh? Sounds like a name of someone who likes low prices.

    VOTE: Matthew

  6. Anonymous said...

    Do you like the new layout? I like everything except the comment section, which, unfortunately, is arguably the most important thing on the page. Let me know what you think, it can be changed if you hate it.

  7. Anonymous said...

    Will, if Matthew liked low prices then he wouldn't be one of the mafia-like people, he would be a hard-working construction worker. If he didn't like low prices then he would be a mafia-like person.

    I am voting for the team that doesn't seem to be on the same page.

    VOTE: Rodren

  8. Anonymous said...

    I agree with Em. If you can't agree as a team then maybe it is because you are a confused saboteur...


    And also following Emily's comments, the "saboteur" mafia people are the ones who are trying to keep Walmart from coming in. The good construction workers are the ones who are trying to get the project finished in time. Just thought I would clarify since people seemed confused.

  9. Caitlyn said...

    Not Jana! She works so hard! Now she's in the hospital and Jason is unemployed! Poor Addie.
    I just wanted to post so that people know I'm here. However, I would like to hold off voting until maybe a few more people comment, because I'm still trying to get to know a lot of the people playing.

  10. Hillary said...

    Yeah, Jana, I don't like the new way to do comments. I can't figure out how to change it though. Is it just his way because of the template you used or what. Could you make it to the way it was? Thanks.

  11. Jana said...

    You can get the comment window to "popup" when you hit "Post a Comment" at the bottom of the comments. You don't have to type a comment to view them this way. I have tried everything I can think of to get it back to normal, I even changed the template to be the exact same as we have it on our Hutchinson Happenings blog and looked at the code for the comments to make sure it is the exact same (which it is) and I can't figure out why it isn't working. When I have more time, I may give Kurt admin rights and have him take a look. Sorry!

  12. Anonymous said...

    Personally, I like the comments this way. It makes them easier to read and for those of us with really slow internet, the pop-ups take too long to load.

  13. Anonymous said...

    I have a sneeky suspicion its Josh. He's a bit too eager to post and I know a sabatour when I smell one!

  14. Anonymous said...

    I am slightly confused with your post. Josh hasn't posted all day, did you mean Rodren who posted earlier or do you know something that the rest of us don't about Josh. I am willing to cast my vote Josh's way but need some more info so as not to kill him off like last time.

  15. Anonymous said...

    I don't like the new way of commenting.


    Following the crowd.

  16. Anonymous said...

    Also I see that you got the pics. Thanks Jana. Can't wait to see what my mom says. .

  17. Heather said...

    I think we should go after the non-bloggers. It seems like they'd want to stay quiet to avoid suspicion.

    Vote: Daniel

  18. Daniel Moroni Hair said...

    For your information, I was the one that posted the most last time. Go look. And I have been at school (stayed after) so it is because I was gone and could not do anything!

    Matt looks like a Saboteur

    VOTE: Matt

  19. Anonymous said...

    O.K. so far here is the count.

    Matthew - Danny, Will, Rodren

    Rodren - Emily, Sarah, Merxis

    Danny - Heather

    I hope more people get on before tomorrow night.

  20. Anonymous said...

    Just wanted to put my two cents in about the comments, which is that I like the comments this way better. Also, I will be on a bus to California most of the day tomorrow and probably won't have much access to the internet for the next four days but I will try to stay updated through my sisters. Don't hate me (or fire me) just because I'm not bloggin!

  21. Heather said...

    Ok, the end of the day is tonight, right? I'll jump on the Matthew band wagon so we can make a "fire". Hope some more people join in today.

  22. Hillary said...

    O.K. Heather, to make your switch official, you have to write it correctly. Thanks!

  23. Anonymous said...

    Well, since there are several people that LIKE the comments this way better, and it is going to be HARD HARD HARD to figure out how to change them back, and because YOU CAN VIEW THEM THE OLD WAY BY CLICKING ON "POST A COMMENT", the comments will remain the new way(unless Hillary is amazingly smart and can figure out how to change them back and decides it's worth her time to figure it out). Thank you all.

  24. Anonymous said...

    Sorry can't vote my bro off. I have to live near him and he is brutal plus he already thinks that he kind of won last game since he was never killed. I am willing to change to Josh but for right now going with the team that can't seem to make him their mind(s).

    But may change later since the "day" isn't over til tonight

  25. Jacob said...

    Ok so now I have read through all the comments and this is really hard with so many people playing. I do like it though.

    Also, I love the new way to see the comments. Alot easier.

    So it looks like I need to go for Rodren or Matthew just so someone can get fired and we can get to the bottom of this.

    My vote for now will be...

    VOTE: Matthew

  26. Hillary said...

    So I guess that makes four votes for each, if Heather officially changes hers.

    Matthew: Danny, Will, Rodren, (Heather)

    Rodren: Emily, Sarah, Merxis, Angela

    Come on people. Start communicating better. Let's get some good discussion going on here.

  27. Anonymous said...

    Why are you voting Matt off? I mean, other than that he hasn't posted? He hasn't displayed any mafia-like behavior (and yes I am going to call them mafia all this game).

    Why isn't anyone commenting? Come on people!

  28. Anonymous said...

    I have to agree with my sister(which pains me greatly) Last game we had some idea that Matthew was mafia. He was being very suspicious but this game it is totally different. He is not a sabtouer(?) I would bet my life on it. Please change your vote to someone else so we don't kill another innocent construction worker. It doesn't need to be Rodren that everyone votes for, but I know that it isn't Matthew...

  29. Heather said...


    Vote: Matthew

  30. Anonymous said...

    I know that there is a way to I could figure this out but I need to make dinner.
    Also where is everyone who is suppose to be playing. We are never going to kill anyone with only eight people voting and day ending tonight. Where are the detectives that are suppose to be swaying the voting. All I see is people following the crowd or throwing names out without any real evidence. Do we want Wal-Mart to be built or what??????

  31. Anonymous said...

    Matthew does seem to be a little quiet maybe its because he is to hung up and doesn't know what to do and is afraid if he says anything it might give away clues so i

    VOTE: Matthew

  32. Heather said...

    Mrs. Foreman,

    Here's an idea. The people who haven't posted or have posted only once would be pretty poor employees, right? At this point they'd have missed a couple days of work. Wal-Mart doesn't allow unions so I'm pretty sure they'd be fired by now. This would be a good chance to get some of the saboteurs as well. This game isn't going anywhere with just a handful of us trying to get the bad guys. Game length would have to be shortened, I suppose.

  33. Anonymous said...

    People who want to have the game are mafia. It allows them to win. I assume Heather knows that. Therefore, I vote Heather.

    Vote: Heather

  34. Anonymous said...

    i can't believe that i am being voted for because i once hypothetically tried to run some one over. You all know me. If i was trying to run someone over would i miss? i don't think so. They would be laying in the road. Therefore, for starting false rumors.
    Vote: Rodren

  35. Anonymous said...

    Firing everyone who hasn't posted or only posted once would kill off almost everyone in the game. Including some that have voted today. There are several people that log on to vote and that is all. Granted we haven't heard from a couple people:Sadie, Terrie but no one seems really set in having discussions. We need more blogging if we are to get anywhere in this game. Also Mrs. Foreman the offical vote count is

    Matthew: Rodren, Will, Daniel, Jacob, Gemarie=5 total votes

    Rodren: Emily, Sarah, Merxis, Angela, Matthew=5 total votes

    Daniel: Heather(never unvoted)

    Heather: Josh
    and we need 9(?) to kill since there are still 17 people playing

  36. Daniel Moroni Hair said...

    Lets get a few things straight. I do not know you guys. Only my brothers and sisters-in-law. also, we need to put people up into this position to see how they react. That is how you find out! It is better to have facts about someone and know they are the mafia (at last 80% sure) instead of saying "I'm following the crowd." But I do admit that I have been "following the crowd" because I do not know you guys. Otherwise I wouldn't (at least not try!)

  37. Anonymous said...

    Thank you so much Dandapanda for your honesty. Let me just tell you about my bro. Last game he was mafia and you could tell. I call him "The Godfather" because he just had that mafia air about him. But it isn't there this time. I bet my life on it if I am wrong then you can vote for me next time..But please don't kill another innocent construction worker. I am telling you I KNOW that he isn't a saboteur. We need all the help to weed out the real sabteours don't vote for Matt.

  38. Daniel Moroni Hair said...

    Well, I still don't know who to vote for. But I will think more on it. But if you are wrong, all of the blame will be on you!

    UNVOTE: Matthew
    VOTE: THE MAFIA (joke)

  39. Anonymous said...

    Thank you so much. If I am wrong, which I know I am not I will take ALL the blame. Thank you for believeing me. Anytime you need a favor in this game let me know, I am indebted to you, dandapanda...
    btw, why dandapanda????

  40. Anonymous said...

    Alright, I must admit that I am a little frustrated with the number of people who haven't been participating. I'm trying not to take it personally, but it is starting to feel a bit that way.

    Angela's count is correct, except now Danny has changed his vote so now the count is:

    Matthew: Will, Rodren, Heather (I'm counting her vote here Angela), Gemarie, Jacob

    Rodren: Emily, Sarah, Merxis, Angela, Matt

    Heather - Josh

    There does need to be 9 votes to fire someone. So either everyone who is posting has to get on the same boat or more people who aren't posting need to post. I'm not opposed to some of us calling others and asking them to get on. Just don't discuss the game that way you won't break the rules. I am considering just stopping the game though since it doesn't seem to be exciting enough for people to blog.

  41. Anonymous said...

    Hate to be a stickler but we need to stick to the original rules of voting or unvoting...
    It probably isn't going to matter either way but technically she has voted for Daniel and never unvoted so the vote for Matthew doesn't count.

  42. Caitlyn said...

    Well, it seems like I need to make a decision, even though since there are only like 45 minutes left and everyone is torn it may not make a difference. Sorry Will hasn't been on much, he's sick.

    VOTE: Matthew

  43. Hillary said...

    O.K. Angela, we can stick to the original rule.

    That would make the count:

    Matthew: Will, Rodren, Gemarie, Jacob

    Rodren: Emily, Sarah, Merxis, Angela, Matt

    Heather: Josh

    Danny: Heather

    Matt needs 5 more votes.
    Rodren needs 4 more votes.
    Heather needs 8 more votes.
    Danny needs 8 more votes.

    Will it happen?

  44. Anonymous said...

    Sorry I haven't blogged yet. I was going to blog on Tuesday but my girls told me that you can't blog at night. Who know that night could happen in the day? Anyway I have been working long hours at the office the past couple of days because I am taking part of next week off so I have been too tired to blog but Emily told me to get on and vote. Read through the comments and can't bring myself to vote for my only son. If he gets fired he will be unemployed and lose his house and have to move back in with me, I can't take that so
    Also who do I have to thank for the lovely picture??

  45. Hillary said...

    Sorry, Caitlyn just voted for Matthew so that means he only needs 4 more votes now too.

  46. Hillary said...

    Sorry Terrie (yeah she got on) just voted for Rodren which means he only needs 3 more votes.

    Now I'm going to bed. Maybe someone will get enough votes while I'm sleeping.

  47. Anonymous said...

    So Madam Foreperson, I have a question. Isn't the game going to be over by 05-10 regardless if we catch the saboteurs. Doesn't that mean Jana and whoever is injuried after her won't actually get to come back to the game. Only Jay will, Right?????

  48. Anonymous said...

    Vote count as of midnight CDT

    Rodren has 6
    Matthew has 5
    Heathurt has 1
    Dandapanda has 1

    No one fired......

  49. Anonymous said...

    I am so disappointed in all of our non participants. Where are Deena and Jeff, and why have their family members not called them and told them to get on here. Josh, if you text so much why haven't you contacted your sis?? And I'll bet Jay is just going crazy not being able to comment when his sister can but isn't! I just rode for almost ten hours on a bus full of high school kids, got to our hotel, put them all to bed, and am now checking just to see if there was anything I could do to get a kill/firing. But, alas, I believe today is a lost cause. How sad...

  50. Hillary said...

    Yet again, we've had a "day" without hearing from some of us, and only hearing a little bit from others. Does this mean we should just stop playing?

    Angela, technically we won't be over with the game until May 23rd.

    If I don't have a good response from the "night" roles I probably will just call it quits.

  51. Hillary said...

    Yet again, we've had a "day" without hearing from some of us, and only hearing a little bit from others. Does this mean we should just stop playing?

    Angela, technically we won't be over with the game until May 23rd.

    If I don't have a good response from the "night" roles I probably will just call it quits.

  52. Anonymous said...

    Sorry i haven't posted this whole time i have just been so busy and not able to get on the computer but i will get on next day.