DAY 3: when push comes to shove
As they sailed back to Wakananababoo a deep sense of relief overwhelmed the town. Some spoke of Lexi's death as a "new beginning" for the town and were pleased with how this process seemed to unite the citizens. Others spoke of adventure and intrigue, yet nobody mentioned the word "fun." Killing off family members and neighbors definitely was NOT fun.
Once the ship approached the harbor, the men jumped off the ship. Traditionally it was the men's job to drag the ship in the last few feet and tie it to the dock. The mayor watched the deft hands of Jay, Matthew, Cortney, Eric and Merrit. They worked quickly, tying the knots they had all learned in Boy Scouts. She chuckled to herself about Jason's feelings for Boy Scouts, how he didn't enjoy it, how their kids would have to be encouraged by her instead...but wait, where was Jason?
She called to the men and they didn't know, she called to the other women on the ship and they didn't know. Jason was nowhere to be found. Did he fall overboard? They sailed back the direction they had come, dragged the ocean all night, and finally they found his lifeless body floating about 100 yards from where Alexis had jumped. He had been gagged to prevent him from screaming. When nobody else was looking, it was clear he had been pushed.
Dawn approached. It looked as if it would be a long day.
It is now DAY. You have until Sunday night to lynch someone. As Jason is now dead he can no longer comment. There are 12 people left, you need 7 to votes to execute.