Monday, May 5

NIGHT 4: Bdeep, Bdeep, Bdeep, That's All Folks!

Just as the sun was going down a great crowd approached the gates of the work site. The crew stopped what they were doing to see what was going on. They recognized the group as being people from their own town of Littleton. Many of them were the ones who opposed the Wal-mart store being built. Foreman Hicks walked to the gate to meet them. At the head of the group was Mayor Thomas and a well known, long-time resident of Littleton, Mrs. Shirley Hutchinson.

"Foreman Hicks," started Mayor Thomas, "we are here to shut you down."

"Why? We have over a week before the deadline. What's going on?" replied Hillary.

"Mrs. Hutchinson has discovered that you are building on sacred Indian burial grounds. The construction must be halted at once and the whole building torn down immediately," said Mayor Thomas.

Shirley was one of the lead people in the cause to shut down Wal-mart. She hadn't ceased in her attempts to stop the store from coming to their town because she was sure it would ruin the town forever. She had seen it happen to other towns. With her expert skills as a historian, she was able to uncover the records that proved without a doubt that the ground was indeed Indian burial grounds. She was so excited when she presented her findings to the town council. She knew they would have no choice but to shut down the construction of the store. She wore a triumphant smile as the mayor told Foreman Hicks of the situation.

Foreman Hicks returned to her crew and said, "Well, guys, I guess that means we should pack up. We are finished here. I'll try talking to Wal-mart tomorrow about getting us some compensation for our time and energy. After all, it's not our fault the grounds are sacred. Wal-mart should have investigated better before they decided to build here."

Everyone looked pretty tired and a little disappointed, but most were glad to see this job over with. It had torn their little construction crew family apart and some had even been hurt in the process. Sarah piped up and said, "We probably wouldn't have been able to come together to agree on a firing today anyway, Hillary. We were divided again, this time about Jeff and Rodren. We just couldn't get enough of us to vote one way or the other and a good bunch of us refused to vote at all. We sure don't function well as a team anymore. This has been a bad experience for us. We should go on a team building experience together."

"That's a great idea!" added Emily, "Let's all go to Hawaii!" So that's what they did, after Jay, Jana, Sadie and Deena were healed enough to join them. They even invited Jason to come too (especially because they felt so bad for firing him without cause). No one even cared that there had been saboteurs in their midst. They forgave, forgot and moved on. After all, that's what family is all about.

I'm sorry to do this, but it was like pulling teeth to get people to play this time. It's been over a week and we still don't have great participation. I figured with it being the second "day" in a row without a firing it was time to call it quits. I'm sorry for those of you who actually were playing. I know this only hurts you, but we really couldn't finish the game without full participation. I didn't see the need to drag it out until the end of May going the way it was. We should probably take a break from the game for a while and maybe start to play again in the summer when more people might have some more time.

I think it will be fun to see who everyone thinks are the night roles. If you would like to post your hunches then I will tell all tomorrow and you can compare. Remember there is one more doctor and detective that we don't know and all five mafia members. Have fun naming them.


  1. Anonymous said...

    I cheated on the other dr. My mom told me it was her when I told her the game was over. I think that maybe Josh is the detective. That leaves mafia as Willy, Jacob, Jeff, Rodren and Heather?????

    Thank you Ms. Foreperson for setting up this game. It was fun sorry it didn't work out like the rest. I agree to wait and then see in the summer who wants to play again. Sarah and Jake should be done with their house by then.

  2. Anonymous said...

    Also I bet Jay is not so happy that you ended the game right before he was to come back. Who know what would have happened had Jay not been injured the first day. Also can you tell us who the dr saved the day Jay was injured.

  3. Hillary said...

    Yes, I will tell you who was saved tomorrow. I thought long and hard whether or not to wait one more day because Jay was coming back, but I didn't think he would make a huge difference because we just had so many people who weren't posting on a regular basis. I'll let you know who had what roles tomorrow.

  4. Anonymous said...

    Thanks for trying Hillary! I don't know what the problem was (too busy, or whatever) with everyone else, but I was enjoying it. As for my guesses...

    my mom (since she already told Angela)
    Jeff or Heathurt
    1-Gemarie, 2-Caitlyn, 3-Emily (yes, my evil little sister), 4-Jacob, 5-Willy or Jeff

  5. Anonymous said...

    Thanks, Hillary! Sorry for the busy time for our family. Please be the moderator next time (although if it's summer, I won't be able to play b/c I'm really cramming on my paralegal course and getting the house dejunked, boxes unpacked, etc. Busy summer!) Thanks, again!